Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Ugh of it . . .

It's still really hot out and I am ready for fall, or at least temps in the 80's.

The boys went to Hagerstown yesterday for a Monster Truck event and that included a sleepover, which ment...I have the house to myself moment. I have enjoyed it. I worked yesterday and the heat just did me in, so when I got home I just kinda chilled. Had a wonderful nights sleep, and yet I still feel tired.

It's 12:41pm and they sill are not home, so I thought earlier that I would watch a Netflix movie that has been sitting here for, I don't know, 3 months and then I saw, dare I say it, my exercise DVD. Hmmm, nobody is home, let's do it. I head upstairs to find the ugly clothes, you know the ones I mean. The bra that turns two body parts into one blob and the stretchy pants. Dressed and ready...I made it one mile and I thought I was going to DIE. I am now showered, powdered and back into my pajamas, because I declare this pajama day. My thoughts on exercise is something is better than nothing...don't you agree?

So now I am going to pop in the movie, I don't even remember what it is. I just went to look and it is The Jane Austin Book club. I don't feel like doing much else today and that includes knitting. I'll let you know if the movie was a hit of miss.

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