Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Nothing new....

Well, whatever has a hold on my throat, is practically choking me and I could do without the fever. Here's to hoping for a better tomorrow.

I did, however, manage to get the puppy to the Vet for another visit, this one cost a whole lot less than the "emergency one" and we walked away with an antibiotic. I took Bryce with me to basically hold me up and for his second pair of hands and in case I couldn't drive home. He may be small, but he is mighty.  :-)

I decided that I wouldn't do any sick knitting this time. Good choice! It was  beautiful day here with temps in the 60's and I couldn't get warm. Tomorrow promises to be just as lovely, I hope I feel better.

Happy Knitting!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Oh nuts.....

My house has been a vacuum for all germs this season and this week is no exception. Bryce has what seems like a permanent cold and I woke up with a fever and sore throat. Now, I am not the type to really complain because last year we were pretty much "germ free", but I have a knitting retreat at the end of the week and I want to be feeling good, I'd settle for good. Fortunately, I do have a doctor's appointment already scheduled for Wednesday, so if this turn into something ugly, there will be meds.

I did a little knitting today on a shawl, but with no lace, so I figured I was safe and couldn't mess it up and so far, so good. I am loving the pattern. I didn't use my Wollmeise because I wanted to knit this on the retreat and I figured I should knit something on "shop" yarn, so I am using Saki Prisim in Garnet. I will do it again in my Wollmeise.

Here is the beginning...

Here is the finished hat that has to be mailed.

Right now, I am counting down to when I can go to bed!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Slightly off kilter.....

You know that feeling you get when you anticipate a new project, giggly and warm all over, and then you over think it and suddenly, nothing feels right. I almost talked myself out of using my Wollmeise, almost. For the entire day, our Internet connection wasn't working, so I couldn't get on Ravelry and that's when and why things got a little screwy and self doubt raised it's ugly head.

Fortunately, after a great dinner out, I came home to find that our connection was back and I went rushing to the computer and got right onto Ravelry to check out some facts. I am okay!!! I am still using the Wollmeise....purple I think...almost wound it today....but I didn't. Tomorrow might be the winding day.

The hat is finished and my brother in law is going to get a great surprise. I started another during the "no Internet" phase of my day to wave off the waves of nausea I was feeling about the other project.

Tomorrow I am spending most of my day with some friends and I will learn how to weave. Once I am comfortable, I will weave myself a scarf with the gorgeous cashmere Kyle bought me for Christmas.

I am off to work on a sock for a bit....

Happy Knitting!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Missed WIP Wednesday...

Wednesday's WIP will take place on Thursday since yesterday got sucked into medical appointment and school meeting vortex.

I have narrowed my yarn color choices down to two...these....
I love them both. I took a good look at the pattern and I think I am going to swatch before I wind one of these beauties.

The hat is almost done, see...

Rather handsome isn't it. I think I will make another but in a more feminine color combination.

The sock is coming along, I can't take a picture of it because it's for someone who reads the blog!!

I have small shawls group tonight.

I think I need to close my eyes for a few, it was quite a busy morning.

Happy Knitting!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Wollmeise Worthy??

I found a pattern that I think might be worthy of my Wollmeise. It is called And So Are You by Rose Beck and I am just loving it. Here is what I have to choose from...
But I think I have it narrowed down to these....

Oh la la! One is blue, one is purple and one is aqua. Please vote for your favorite color.

I did cast on a sock today and boy did it feel good. There's just something about socks that make me happy!

Stay tuned for Work In Progress Wednesdays!!

Happy Knitting!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Finished Objects....

It was a rather gloomy weekend here in MD and Saturday ended up being my most favorite of days, pajama day!! We just hung out and watched some movies and relaxed.

I did get to finish this cute Eternity Scarf called Cocoon Me by Rose Beck and it is a really cute knit.

The pattern makes these cute little cocoons. It was a fun knit.

Here is a hat for my brother-in-law because I think he is yarn worthy and he asked.  :-)

This is going to be a crazy pair of socks for a wonderful and crazy special person!!

Happy Knitting!

Friday, January 20, 2012


So, I was thinking, how do you like your yarn? Because lately, I have really been observing what people knit with and what they like. There are animal fibers, like lamb's wool, merino, cashmere and mohair to name a few. Vegetable fibers like cotton, Linen, and hemp and Man-Made fibers such a rayon and nylon. Personally, I am all about the animals and a little about the veggies!!!

How about what class of yarn do yo like to knit with??  Yarn is divided into classes, fingering-weight, sport-weight, Double Knitting (DK), worsted. bulky, and extra bulky. My personal preferences are fingering, sport, DK and worsted. Working with these classes of yarn make me happy and my needles sing.

I would love to hear what you all love to knit with!

I has some fun on Sunday using a drop spindle and some roving and making yarn. I am not even going to tell you that what I was making was good, but it was quite a bit of fun and I could see myself getting a pretty drop spindle and a bit of roving at the Wool Festival. In fact, I am starting my wish list for just this occasion. I know that it is early to even be thinking about the festival, but I did a lot of research last year before I went and it saved me from a total mental breakdown. There is just SO MUCH TO SEE, that if you don't know what you are looking for or at things can get a bit hairy. So if you are going to any woolly festival, take the time to review your wish list and then plan a strategy. I had a blast last year and I am planning way ahead for this year!

Happy Knitting!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Crazy Day Yesterday .....

The craziness really started late last night. Bryce wasn't feeling well at bedtime and that continued throughout the night. Surface to say, I didn't get much sleep. That's ok, I have done this many times before, comes with the "mommy" territory.

For good measure let's add in a emergency trip to the Vet for Fresca. Some x-rays, and IV fluids and some other things I know you do not want to know, she was better and we were poorer. Poor thing is sound asleep next to me.

I was calling home on my way home from work and there was no answer. I come home to find a note, we, my husband and son, have gone to the Urgent Care. Diagnosis, ear infection. My family seems to be falling apart at the seams.

All of this went on while I was at work for 4.5 hours.

So far so good on my yarn diet. I did however find myself cruising some websites and had to slap myself back to reality. Reality is Maryland Sheep and Wool is a mere 5 months away and I will be loyal to my yarn diet until then.

But look at what my friend Angie gave me....Heather Prime Alpaca.....so yummy!!!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yarn Diet....Stash Knitting....

I have decided that I have plenty of yarn...plenty. Several sweater quantities of yarn, and so much sock yarn that I could knit socks and shawls for the rest of 2012, so I have put myself on a yarn diet until May, when the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival takes place and then all bets are off.

This will give me time to knit some of what I have and enjoy it. Because really, how much do we really need. Sheep are still producing their beautiful fleece and the yarn isn't going anywhere. So, I will be knitting from my stash and enjoying what I have.

So, my future knitting will include a sweater I have been drooling over for about a year. A new pair of socks, a scarf and many shawls.

I have decided what to do with my decadent 1 ply cashmere, I am going to weave a scarf. I see a new skill developing. I also want to learn to spin, because that looks like a ton of fun too! My husband is just shaking his head, I am not sure why, neither involve him. I think he's just jealous because I am always doing something and his hobbies are all outdoor related.
This is the cashmere. Isn't is beautiful!

I am off to knit for a bit!

Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yarn, Swift and Ball Winder....

I had the yarn, but now I also have the swift, ball winder and a scale and I haven't even had a chance to play with all my new knitting toys yet. I thought that today might be that day, but it wasn't.  I had errands and PT and then I threw in a manicure just because I felt like it. Then before you know it, it's time to meet the bus and take Bryce to Karate and then home and then dinner and homework and now this.....peace and quiet and NO time to play with the fiber and gadgets.

My toes are cold, so you know what that means...SOCKS!! I will be doing the Two At A Time method so we have an immediate match. I will have to survey my stash for a suitable yarn, there is plenty to chose from. Could this be the time for the Wollmeise?? It just might be. I will have to sleep on that idea.

I am working tomorrow and Thursday from 10-9, both days. I love being there, but by the time I get home, I am practically numb from fiber overload. So the next two days are a knitting wash unless we are slow. We shall see.

Happy Knitting!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Happy Monday!

On my way home from the grocery store, I pass quite a few Amish farms, and I can't help but notice how sad their animals look. I am just a big softy when it comes to animals and when I see sad, abused and underfed animals, well, it just totally gets my ass out. The animals work hard for these people and I really think they see them ONLY as laborers in their life. I actually pulled over today because a big beautiful Clydesdale was standing there, just standing there with the most sad look in his eyes. There was no swishing of the tail, nothing. One was even on it's side on the ground. I tried to get it to come over to see me for some lovings, but he just wouldn't move. I must be honest, I really wanted to open the gates and set them all free...the horses, the cows, everything. The rational side, yes, I have one, said, there really isn't anything you can do about this. I just felt so bad for the animals....

My mother enjoyed telling my son about all the stray animals I brought home in my younger years and how my brother brought home every injured bird he could find. She also shared how I said I had won a kitten at my softball game...yes, I lied, but it was so darn cute! Thanks mom, I am sure that will come back to bite me with my son!

I have had a bit of startitis myself. I thought about casting on for a sweater and some socks, but I am really trying to stay on task and finish another "due date" item...it's close to done. It's an eternity scarf and the pattern is darling.
My camera seems to be taking pretty crappy pictures at the moment. I am sure that my son has messed with it somehow and I am sure that I do not know how to fix it. It is, however, sucessful knitting...YEAH!

Happy Knitting!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Half done.....

Seems everything around here is half done. The Christmas tree is half put away, the laundry is half done and apparently, half put away. I have a beautiful sweater made of Baby Llama thar is so close to done it's ridiculous. I only have to fix my decreases on both sleeves and sew them on and pick up some stitches for the collar. Out of sight really does mean out of mind...

I also cleaned out several, yes, several of my knitting bags and found MANY WIP's I had forgotten about. Some no longer give me a thrill and some make me want to make the other sock so I have a pair. I will have to ponder the ultimate fate of some of these projects.

I have been reading The Yarn Harlot's blog posts from previous years and I must add a new skill to my 2012 Knitting To Do List and it is Double Knitting. Why would I want to learn that you ask, is because you can knit two socks at the same time and one is inside the other. I mean really, how cool is that?? I love knitting socks!!! They are better than anything you could ever buy.

I am itching to use some of my Christmas gifts...the swift and ball winder. So many patterns, so little time. Ravelry is a huge distraction that I really need to control better.

I am off to knit a bit....Happy Knitting!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm back and I have pictures....

The pictures as promised...
The book that makes me sweat, giggle, and sweat some more...

The cubby that my hubby bought me for Christmas, that he THINKS will hold ALL MY YARN.....LOL!!!
The beautiful skein of cashmere that also makes me sweat and giggle!

In the mail are a circular set of Signature needles, size 4....you know I am a sucker for happy mail!!

On the needles at the moment is a really cute Eternity Cowl by Rose Beck called Cocoon Me. This is a really neat pattern and can be worked three, yes you heard me right, three ways. First as a Cowl, second as the Eternity Cowl and third a Shawl...run to Ravelry and get this great pattern. I am actually knitting it in a worsted weight yarn, Santa Red, and I love it. Of course, I tried knitting this while sick which was a mistake. The third time around is usually the charm for me...LOL!

My mom is still here and all is well. We had a little retail therapy this morning and she will come with me tomorrow night to my Small Shawls group at the shop.

Kyle and I are going on a dinner date this evening since we have a sitter, we are taking full advantage of this rarity. I know where we are going, what to eat, what to eat!

Happy Knitting!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!!!

The years are going by faster and faster it seems and yet, I haven't aged a bit....LOL! This past year has brought many wonderful people and experiences into my life. I am beyond grateful!

I put together a short list of things I would love to experience this year.

1. Learn to read charts.

2. Stranded knitting.

3. A cabled sweater.

4. Paying attention to the direction!

Yes, short and sweet, is my knitting list. My personal list is a tad more complicated and longer.

My mom is in town and she hates it when I am attached to the electronics, so the blog postings may be brief and slightly irregular.

Hang in there, I will be back in full force soon!

The knitting I did while away, again, was sick knitting and well, you know how that always ends up....!

Just keep knitting.....