Monday, January 16, 2012

Crazy Day Yesterday .....

The craziness really started late last night. Bryce wasn't feeling well at bedtime and that continued throughout the night. Surface to say, I didn't get much sleep. That's ok, I have done this many times before, comes with the "mommy" territory.

For good measure let's add in a emergency trip to the Vet for Fresca. Some x-rays, and IV fluids and some other things I know you do not want to know, she was better and we were poorer. Poor thing is sound asleep next to me.

I was calling home on my way home from work and there was no answer. I come home to find a note, we, my husband and son, have gone to the Urgent Care. Diagnosis, ear infection. My family seems to be falling apart at the seams.

All of this went on while I was at work for 4.5 hours.

So far so good on my yarn diet. I did however find myself cruising some websites and had to slap myself back to reality. Reality is Maryland Sheep and Wool is a mere 5 months away and I will be loyal to my yarn diet until then.

But look at what my friend Angie gave me....Heather Prime yummy!!!!!

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