Thursday, June 16, 2011

Isn't it lovely, isn't it wonderful!

Can you see me smiling from here? You could possibly, it's that big and I'm that happy. DH came home early from work yesterday and I was able to run, yes run, to my knitting group. I was having a rather crappy day and thought I was coming down with a cold....just allergies, thank goodness and my son was giving me a migraine and basically, I wanted to be anywhere but here. And I had spent most of the morning searching for a new sweater time consuming.

So, I get to my favorite place, LYS, and Ellen, the owner says, "Michele, I have something for you" and hands me the ADDI CLICKS that I have been waiting for since January....boy, did I perk up!!!!

It was so worth the wait! After that wonderful surprise, I was talking with my friend Karen about the Pole pattern I was on the verge of scrapping and she said NO...just keep knitting and following the pattern and all will be well. I did, however, in my search of something else, find something else that I love too and that pattern is on it's way. Similar to what I am doing, but with a different stitch and I will be making that too! You should see my needles starting to smoke anytime....LOL! My favorite time to knit is when all are tucked into bed and the house is quiet. That is the beauty of summer, no alarm clocks and a child who can get his own breakfast, so I can knit at least until midnight, what a treat!

Socks are on hold for the moment. I have a cranky shoulder and the size 1 needles make it hurt even more, so I am on a break for a bit, but working on other wonderful things.

I can smell the banana blueberry bread in the oven....smells delish!

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