Tuesday, November 29, 2011


On the advice of my Physical Therapist, I was advised to stop knitting for a bit so my shoulder could respond to the therapy. I have complied due to the level of pain I am in, but man, it's hard.

I have a project right here beside me, lace actually, that I have flubbed up so badly, ripping the whole thing out is my only option. I had to inform the recipient that something was coming, but would be late due to a medical issue.

No needles in the hands means that I can cruise the kitchen, which is quite frankly, not good.

I am totally bummed out!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel...though I do not think my pain is as bad as yours. I take a couple of Aleve, and feel a bit better, but I do know the feeling of not being able to work on a project that needs to get done.
    Hope you feel better soon, so you can get back to doing what you love!
