Thursday, June 9, 2011

I am doing the rain dance....

Holy cow, its like an oven out there. I am doing the rain dance so the garden will grow and I can stop playing musical sprinklers to keep things green. It's almost, almost, too hot to knit. I did a couple of rows in the scarf and emailed the lady who designed the sweater regarding the design and basically, I shouldn't do anything while PMSing because my brain just fogs up and nothing makes sense. Thank heavens for the Internet...even if it is slow...better than nothing.

I am putting together a very specific birthday wish list for the hubby and son...let's see how close they can get to getting at least ONE thing on it. Usually my birthday gifts somehow benefit others and that really makes me mad. I would never give a gift to someone that benefited me....but that is what makes me, me. I am venting on my blog and I really don't want it to become that...LOL!

Tomorrow is Bryce's last day of school and the house is littered with all the crap they send home with them. couldn't they throw it out there. I don't need his name tags plastered all over the house, I damn well know his name...UGH!

I am off to fondle some of my yarn from always takes me to my "happy place"!

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